The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English.
柯林斯例句Fang , Bubi , Ibo, and pidgin English are also widely spoken.
芳语 、 布比语、伊博语和皮钦英语也通用.
互联网As to'Post - Pidgin'English , its history is not long Nearly in late 1990 s, some articles about it appeared.
对于后皮钦语的研究历史非常短暂,直到九十年代末期, 才出现一些关于后皮钦语的文章.
互联网In pidgin English, he is the namowen ( number one ) on the port.
用句“洋泾 浜 ”英语来说, 他是这个港口的那摩温.
互联网And after the 1730 s, the English - based languages ( mainly the Chinese pidgin English ) played the main role.
约当1740年后, 主要是洋泾 浜 英语克当了中英沟通的语言媒介.
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